This morning we met Daphne and her brothers and sisters. This afternoon, we took her home. She is pretty cute.
We explored the rescue option for awhile and went back and forth on it quite a bit, but ultimately decided to go the 8-week puppy route and found a fantastic local breeder that’s only 15 minutes away. We actually found them by meeting a beautiful dog hanging out at our neighborhood Peets coffee and talking to its owners who directed us to this breeder: Great breeder and great dogs. We went this morning just to check it out, but we were so impressed that after picking up a bunch of supplies, we went back to bring Daphne home.
We are thrilled to be new parents. And ecstatic to have our very own furry and demanding reason to never work crazy hours again. This is a key part of our rehabilitation. Should be an interesting first night… We’ll keep you updated.
p.s. More first-day pics here: